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#4004 Hungary - Enamel Paintings on St. Stephen's Crown II M/S (MNH)

Our price: $6.25 USD

2006 Enamel Paintings on St. Stephen's Crown II Miniature Sheet of 7, #a-g. Designs: a, St. John (scsiohs inscription at top). b, St. Andrew (scsandreas). c, St. Peter (scspetrvs). d, God. e, St. Paul (scspavlus). f, St. Phillip (scsphilipvs). g, St. Jacob (scsiacobvs). 

On the background print of the frame picture of the sheet there is a part of the coronation robe from the collection of the National Museum of Hungary. At the bottom on the left there is the foil-printed silhouette of the crown also showing the arrangement of the enamel paintings printed on the sheet

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