#320-332 Poland - 20th Anniv. of Poland's Independence (MLH)
Our price:
$12.30 USD
1938 - 20th Anniversary of Poland's Independence, Set of 13. Designs: 5g, Boleslaus I and Emperor Otto III at Gnesen; 10g, King Casimir III; 15g, King Ladislas II Jagello and Queen Hedwig. 20g, King Casimir IV; 25g, Treaty of Lublin. 30g, King Stephen Bathory commending Wielock, the peasant. 45g, Stanislas Zolkiewski and Jan Chodkiewicz. 50g, John III Sobieski entering Vienna; 55g, Union of nobles, commoners and peasants; 75g, Dabrowski, Kosciuszko and Poniatowski. 1z, Polish soldiers; 2z, Romuald Traugutt. 3z, Marshal Pilsudski.