#3770-3771 Hungary - Hungarian History Type of 2000 S/S (MNH)
Our price:
$7.50 USD
2001 Hungarian History Type of 2000, 2 Souvenir Sheets, 5 stamps each.
Designs: No. 3770: a, Prince Francis II Rákóczi, swordsman on horseback, Ilona Zrínyi. b, Rider from Royal Horse Guard, Palanok Castle (Mukachevo Castle), Queen Maria Theresa. c, Count Stephen Széchenyi, Chain Bridge. d, Lajos Kossuth, Artúr Görgei with sword on horse-back, battle scene. e, Poet János Arany, Parliament Building.
No. 3771: a, World War I soldier on horse-back, outline map of Hungary and lost parts of empire, Hungarian people. b, Albert Szent-Györgyi and chemistry equipment. c, Chain Bridge, World War II soldiers, Bishop Vilmos Apor. d, Pictures of 1956 Revolution, Polish-Hungarian Solidarity banner. e, Barbed wire, children representing Hungary's future, Hungarian millennium flag.