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Romania Semipostals

#B83-B93 Romania - 8th Anniv. of King Carol II (MLH)

Our price: $15.50 USD

1938 - 8th Anniversary of the Accession of King Carol II, Set of 11; surtax was for Straja Tarii, a national organization for boys. Designs: 25b + 25b, Dimitrie Cantemir. 50b + 50b, Doamna Maria Voichita. 1 l + 1 l, Mircea the Great (Mircea the Elder). 2 l + 2 l, Constantin Brancoveanu. 3 l + 2 l, Stephen the Great. 4 l + 2 l, Prince Cuza. 6 l + 2 l, Michael the Brave. 7.50 l, Queen Elizabeth. 10 l, King Carol II. 16 l, King Ferdinand I. 20 l, King Carol I.

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