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#3802 Czech Republic - Zoological Gardens IV M/S (MNH)

Our price: $7.00 USD

2019 Animals in Czech Republic Zoos IV, Miniature Sheet of 4, #a-d + 4 labels. Designs: a, 19k, Crocodylus mindorensis (Philippine crocodile), Protivin Zoo (45x27mm). b, 23k, ovis aries strepsiceros (Hungarian sheep), Vyskov Zoo Park (45x27mm). c, 27k, Platalea leucorodia (Eurasian spoonbill), Lutra lutra (Eurasian otter), Hluboka Zoo (45x54mm). 33k, Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi (Golden takin), Liberec Zoo (45x54mm). 

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