Croatia 2024 - Music - set of 3 (MNH)
Our price:
$5.00 USD
Set of stamps commemorating 3 Croatian music groups
The lyrics that Husein Hasanefendić Hus wrote a long time ago about Parni valjak are still very true: "Let it last".
Since their 1988 debut album "Godina zmaja" which they waited, for the then well-established demo band, for five years, Psihomodo pop is amongst the most popular, and today amongst the most long-lasting representatives of the Croatian rock scene.
Daleka obala no longer has its original lineup, but, to paraphrase Bregović, "remember them by their songs". Compositions like "Ruzinavi brod", "Morska vila", "Valovi", "Tonka", "Sušac blues"... which today are registered in the Croatian pop and rock songbook anthology, confirmed their original diagnosis of "stage case" called Daleka obala.