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#4538 Hungary - Freedom From Communist Rule, 30th Anniv. M/S (MNH)

Our price: $4.00 USD

2019 Freedom From Communist Rule, 30th Anniversary, Miniature Sheet of 8, #a-h. Designs: a, Dénes Csengery (1953-91), writer. b, Sándor Csoóri (1930-2016), poet. c, István Csurka (1934-2012), poet. d, Gábor Karátson (1935-2015), painter. e, Dr. György Krassó (1932-91), journalist. f, András Sütő (1927-2006), writer. g, Dr. György Szabad (1924-2015), historian. h, Kata Beke (1936-2009), writer.

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